Lesson 2: Daily Discipline for Mental Wellness

Look at each moment of our life, as if it was for the first time. How would we see them differently? Better? Wiser? With more appreciation? Close your eyes. Open them. What do you see? How do you see it? What’s different? What’s the same? What matters? What moves you? Ask yourself; “how can this moment be different than any other moment before it, or after it?"...

Today's lesson is Daily Discipline for Mental Wellness.

It is so important that we learn the value of actually doing something. Your daily practices gradually and naturally contribute to who you are and what you experience from your life. In your daily exercises for Module One, which you have already begun, you are activating the experience of deeper and deeper mindful awareness in key areas of your life: mindful eating, mindful communication, mindful self-care, and mindful time management.

Sometimes things that can seem simple, basic or even obvious, end up being the most transformational.

Throughout this course, it will become so valuable for you to continue to remain motivated and committed to your personal practice of the ongoing exercises, worksheets, and the reading assignments. What will happen is a gradual, systematic process of mind training, where you will begin to see the world from an entirely new perspective. You will begin to make the unconscious conscious. That means you will begin to become aware of the parts of your own mind and your own life that you were previously unaware of. It also means that you will become increasingly more and more powerful to make conscious transformation a part of your everyday experience.

Any athlete, professional, or spiritual master will tell you - what you do on a regular basis is crucial in achieving your goals. This is so important to not only intellectually understand, but to begin to experience.

Through direct experience, we can begin to know the true power of transformation, and from this place of direct knowledge, we are able to coach others.

Module One Daily Exercise

Integrate Mindfulness Into The Following Areas Of Your Life:

+ Mindful Eating
+ Mindful Communication
+ Mindful Self Care
+ Mindful Time Management